VPS vs RDP: What Are The Differences

When you’re looking to buy a domain name and hosting, two terms that often come

When you’re looking to buy a domain name and hosting, two terms that often come up are VPS (Virtual Private Server) and RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol).

While both VPS Australia and RDP offer remote access and virtualisation capabilities, they differ in several key aspects.

In this article, we’ll explore the differences between VPS and RDP, helping you understand which solution best suits your needs.

What is a VPS?

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a virtual machine that acts like a dedicated server within a virtualised environment. It provides a dedicated allocation of resources, including CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth.

Benefits of VPS Hosting

  1. Dedicated Resources: When you get a VPS, you get resources that are only yours and not shared with other people. This makes sure that your speed and stability stay the same.
  2. Scalability: Most VPS hosting plans offer scalability options, allowing you to easily upgrade or downgrade resources as your needs change.
  3. Root Access: Most VPS hosting plans give you root access, with this you can easily install and set up software and have full power over your virtual server environment.
  4. Customisation: With a VPS, you can choose your preferred operating system (e.g., Windows or Linux) and customise the server to fit your specific requirements.

What is RDP?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a Microsoft-developed technology that provides remote access to a computer or server running a Windows operating system.

It enables you to establish a graphical user interface (GUI) connection with the remote system, providing a desktop-like experience as if you were sitting in front of the physical machine.

Benefits of RDP

  1. Remote Access: RDP allows you to access and control a remote Windows system from anywhere with an internet connection.
  2. Secure Connection: RDP offers secure encrypted connections, ensuring data privacy and protection against unauthorised access.
  3. Familiarity: RDP provides a familiar Windows desktop environment, making it easy for users to navigate and work with the remote system.
  4. Shared Resources: Multiple users can connect to the same RDP server simultaneously, enabling collaborative work or centralised application access.

VPS vs RDP: Key Differences

Key Difference VPS RDP
Resource Allocation Dedicated resources ensure consistent performance and isolation Shared resources, potential performance variations based on concurrent users
Security and Control Root/admin access for robust security measures and extensive configuration Limited control and security configurations, no direct access to the underlying OS
Customisation and Flexibility Choose your preferred OS, install applications, and customise the virtual environment Restricted customisation due to the shared nature of the underlying server
Cost and Scalability Higher initial cost, but greater scalability and ability to adjust resources More cost-effective, but scalability limited by host machine capabilities and concurrent users
Technical Expertise Requires technical expertise for setup and management of virtual environment Often pre-configured and managed by the service provider, reducing the need for extensive technical knowledge

What to Choose Between RDP vs VPS?

If you need dedicated resources, full control over the server environment, and extensive customization options, choose a VPS. It’s more expensive but offers better performance, security, and flexibility.

On the other hand, if you require a cost-effective remote access solution with minimal technical expertise, an RDP account could be the right choice. It provides a preconfigured and managed remote desktop experience but with limited customisation and shared resources.


VPS and RDP are both remote access solutions, but they differ in resource allocation, security, customisation, and cost. VPS provides dedicated resources, root access, and extensive customisation options, while RDP offers cost-effective remote access with shared resources and limited control.

Choose VPS for high performance and flexibility or RDP for a cost-effective remote desktop solution with minimal technical expertise required.